FUP Automation
Stage, Event and Industry Automation
The company Fülling & Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH based in Dortmund is active in the areas of Stage Technology, Event Technology and Industrial Automation.
Well-known musicals such as the Lion King, Dirty Dancing, Starlight Express and many more were accompanied by Fülling & Partner.
Requirements of the customer
- New design for desktops, smartphones & tablets
- Technical implementation of the design in a Content Management System (Drupal)
- Optimal presentation of services and products via interactive slideshows
- Onpage search engine optimization
- Revision of the existing picture material
- Opportunities for quick and easy contact
Technical & conceptual implementation
- Webdesign in Sketch & Adobe Photoshop
- CMS Drupal
- Parallax scrolling effects
- Flexible placement of content via Drupal Paragraphs
- Responsive webdesign (Gulp, SASS, jQuery, Bootstrap)
Visit the project website